
Tee Shirt Designs

  When thinking of designs for the school, I had two ideas to illustrate I couldn't narrow down. So I designed both in case there was a favorite among others.   The first design focuses more on our atmosphere at Watauga. A bunch of Boone-based students in the mountains looking straight towards Grandfather Mountain. I thought this was fitting and was more focused on the community than the college.     The second design is more school spirit oriented. With the cobra mascot and school colors in the sunset. The original image was ideally supposed to be transparent with white lines so you could place it on any darker tee shirt. So I've shown the png here.

Blog 16 - Portraits

Since I already "paint" so much in photoshop, I decided to play around with more of the layer effects and some tutorials seemed too fun to pass.   For my portrait, I followed the pop art tutorial since the combination of cutouts with the edges gave off a cool effect. My image could have been better for color levels but I think it turned out alright.   For the portrait of someone I know, I took a picture of my boyfriend I had and followed the lego tutorial. I'm actually really excited to now know how to make easy photoshop patterns from this. And for the portrait that was up to me... I really didn't know what to do at first. So on a whim, I chose the dramatic text blend tutorial. I present to you: a photo of Michael Scott made from the script of The Pilot, the first episode of the office.

Positive Changes

   I think by far my most positive change with this extra down time / home time is my ability to draw for myself much more than I usually can. I'm often times busy with art assignments to where my motivation is lacking to draw my personal ideas. While not many people are buying art commissions right now because of the pandemic, I am still able to practice my digital work and expand my portfolio. I've been able to draw me and my boyfriend icons for Discord this month to practice hair shading; as well as surprise a few authors, game designers, and character designers with some art of their projects. It fills me with a lot of joy to be able make someone else happy with my art in this time of tension and suspense.

Blog 14 - Color Double Exposure


Blog 13 - double exposure

For this project, I wanted to use a human but unfortunately I don't take many pictures of me or anyone else. I used a model's picture and then added a photo of the mountains I took from the CCCTI view! I also added a red/orange to blue gradient like the video since I love the atmosphere those colors give. The airbrush halo is a little messy, but it was the best I could do since the photo I used had a rough background. I may do a few more of these for fun as I gain photos.

Blog 12 - covid19 life

It seems to me during this time I'm the only one thriving and not "coping" with quarantine, perhaps I'm too much of a hermit to know the difference, haha. Nothing much has changed except I canceled many date plans with my boyfriend, finally started some video games I've been wanting to get into and draw more for myself, and enjoy the warmer weather at my family's homestead.  While toilet paper and... basically anything else is gone in the stores, my chickens don't understand what a pandemic is and at least we have an over-abundance of eggs. I live on a 7 acre property so while I can not go out and enjoy Boone, I at least can stay active and clear trails and walk my dog.  So to answer the question asked of "your current lifestyle changes due to the Corona Virus"... my main goal right now with anything I do is keep the virus away from my family, and anyone else I come in contact with. So things have remained the same except moving all our cl...

Blog 11 - 3D Scan

  "from the glove drawer and other things deemed needed today"