Blog 12 - covid19 life

It seems to me during this time I'm the only one thriving and not "coping" with quarantine, perhaps I'm too much of a hermit to know the difference, haha. Nothing much has changed except I canceled many date plans with my boyfriend, finally started some video games I've been wanting to get into and draw more for myself, and enjoy the warmer weather at my family's homestead. 

While toilet paper and... basically anything else is gone in the stores, my chickens don't understand what a pandemic is and at least we have an over-abundance of eggs. I live on a 7 acre property so while I can not go out and enjoy Boone, I at least can stay active and clear trails and walk my dog. 

So to answer the question asked of "your current lifestyle changes due to the Corona Virus"... my main goal right now with anything I do is keep the virus away from my family, and anyone else I come in contact with. So things have remained the same except moving all our classes online, and limiting where I go.

I do encourage everyone to stay home, even if you're not one who favors it. Find hobbies, play free games, order off amazon, enjoy any yard space you have, and anything else to keep safe. Not just for you, but to stop the spread of this virus to others. I have many friends who would frighteningly struggle if they caught a new type of sickness, and it saddens me to see people not take this into account when traveling because they can catch it without much penalty. Please do not be like my neighbors, who came up with 8 of their kids and kid's friends to "escape" from Charlotte, storming Boone for fun this week not knowing what they brought from their town. We should all be working together -- apart in this time, and not let panic or lack of knowledge help us make things worse.
