
Showing posts from March, 2020

Blog 13 - double exposure

For this project, I wanted to use a human but unfortunately I don't take many pictures of me or anyone else. I used a model's picture and then added a photo of the mountains I took from the CCCTI view! I also added a red/orange to blue gradient like the video since I love the atmosphere those colors give. The airbrush halo is a little messy, but it was the best I could do since the photo I used had a rough background. I may do a few more of these for fun as I gain photos.

Blog 12 - covid19 life

It seems to me during this time I'm the only one thriving and not "coping" with quarantine, perhaps I'm too much of a hermit to know the difference, haha. Nothing much has changed except I canceled many date plans with my boyfriend, finally started some video games I've been wanting to get into and draw more for myself, and enjoy the warmer weather at my family's homestead.  While toilet paper and... basically anything else is gone in the stores, my chickens don't understand what a pandemic is and at least we have an over-abundance of eggs. I live on a 7 acre property so while I can not go out and enjoy Boone, I at least can stay active and clear trails and walk my dog.  So to answer the question asked of "your current lifestyle changes due to the Corona Virus"... my main goal right now with anything I do is keep the virus away from my family, and anyone else I come in contact with. So things have remained the same except moving all our cl...

Blog 11 - 3D Scan

  "from the glove drawer and other things deemed needed today"

Blog 10 - Photo Retouch Project

After spending Friday and Saturday working on finishing this assignment up, I realized in this process that while I can build up a full illustration from an empty photoshop file, adding to something that already exists is an entire separate area of skills! I kept trying to nitpick and add more depth until I came to the realization that I do not have this in my skill level yet with imagery. It was a very extensive learning process, however, and I appreciate this project so I could at least try (whether or not I succeeded).     My chosen picture is of Thomas's parents at a very early anniversary. I loved this picture because it made me realize their smiles stayed just the same through every picture, even all the way back to a simple sofa picture in what I'm guessing is their home. The picture did not scan perfectly which worried me. Even though I colored and retouched the entire scene, something felt... vacant or shallow that I could not render more thoroughly with...

Blog 9 - Scanner

 scanner - focused choice  scanner - abstract choice scanner - artistic choice