Blog 5 - Photos and Textures

With this assignment, I chose to play around with some old photos on my google drive that were hanging around unused. There are many photos I take I find beautiful but never got around to creating with, even if they sparked ideas.

This first photo is compiled of an odd sunset picture I took. I added an old photo of the moon through my telescope to get a not-as-typical texture with a linear add layer and overlay.

 I found this old fall picture of our road in the fog, and inserted a picture of our carpet on top just to see what would happen. It either looks like really nice sun dapples and old vintage aesthetic, or that something is simply wrong with my camera.

The last photo I chose is a little poisonous puffball mushroom. The second I overlapped a picture of sidewalk chalk in Hue layer mode, I had to chuckle as now it seems you may have taken a bite out of it.
