Blog 4 - Impact of Photoshop
There is good reason behind why Photoshop has had such controversy, simply because both sides make sense with their values and reasons. I decided to (very simply) airbrush myself because I used to struggle with the stated "self confidence and body image" myself that has been called to light with AMA. I used to dream of looking like the photo on the right because I saw other girls who looked like that... but not really. It took a while to realize all of them had edits to every part of their bodies to become what the editor or company deemed "acceptable". There is a certain beauty to airbrushing photos, but when people start seeing a negative pattern, it is an obvious sign a line has been crossed from enhancing to exploiting. However, outside of this ad-driven media world and the effect photo manipulation has, Photoshop has blossomed into one of the most diverse and unique ways to create art. For many creators, it is a tool to come up with their own ...